creative practice with

Embark on a 15-day journey of the mind!

Our attention has been hijacked by distractions 24/7. Join us in committing to 15 minutes of shared creative projects daily to support creativity. Join our introduction call to learn more about it. This is free. 
How it works:
  • Free Weekly Zoom call for accountability - 3 different options throughout the week - World Time Zones  
  • Daily WhatsApp prompts and inspiration
  • Community engagement to support your creative practice
This challenge is perfect if:
  • You consume and consume media but can’t seem to get the consistency to focus on your creativity 
  • You want to explore your creativity but don't know where to start
  • You struggle to find mental space for personal creativity
  • You feel distracted and you task switch constantly 
  • You always wanted to create more but never have the time 
  • You are interested in creativity and self-improvement
Unlock your creative potential this summer! Join us for a transformative experience that fits into your busy schedule.
Ready to challenge yourself? 
Sign up for our intro workshop